tru-va-EE -- (n.) A lovely or lucky find; to discover something good by chance.
The French have a way with words -- this one is no exception. It's not enough to just 'find' something, in trouvaille chance delivers to you a delightful surprise. Trouvaille is a discovery that inspires in you a joy and delight that only true surprises can give. We might stroll through a flea market in the hopes of encountering some trouvaille hidden amongst the dust and the forgotten; we might remember that time in childhood when so many things were trouvailles and inspired in us an optimism that the whole world was brimming of good; we might find trouvailles in people -- chance encounters that turn out to be the gems we treasure for life. Trouvailles are rare and turn up when you least expect it -- cherish and protect them like the rare treasures that they are.
~Wordeby's by Chanel Rion
🦋 ART: "Selene" (1880) by Albert Aublet 🦋 STYLE: Academic Art 🦋 NATIONALITY: French